Egger SI Series Baroque Trumpet Mouthpiece
$ 180.00
Salzburg Immer Mouthpieces
The Salzburg model served as a basis for the development of this series, realized in collaboration with Friedemann Immer and conforming to his ideals. These mouthpieces have a bright, brilliant tone and good flexibility.The OPT-mouthpieces are extra short. The dimensions of their bore and backbore have been calculated with a computer program for acoustical optimization.
Friedemann Immer notes:
“Of the surviving baroque trumpet mouthpieces that I am aware of, one characteristic is always present: they possess, contrary to modern mouthpieces, a sharp edge at the point of entry to the throat from the cup. This sharp edge is, in my opinion, important in playing the baroque trumpet for at least three reasons:
1. It creates the typical sound of the baroque trumpet
2. The notes, particularly in the upper register are more centered, and easier to play although the throat is very open.
3. Changing the pitch of certain notes (i.e. playing without holes) becomes easier.
"My experiences have shown that such a mouthpiece improves playing in every register, from the extreme low (G and C, 2nd and 3rd partials) to the extreme high (e’’’ and further, 20th partial). A very broad dynamic range from pp to ff is also possible.”
All mouthpieces are silver plated. Call for unplated or gold plating.
We make every effort to keep all mouthpieces in stock. However due to US Customs and international shipping delays, mouthpieces may be on backorder. Backordered mouthpieces will usually be shipped within 14 days of order.
Mouthpiece Dimensions
SI-5 - Copy of original Haas mouthpiece, Cup diameter 17.69mm
SI-5OPT - Copy of original Haas mouthpiece but optimized, Cup diameter 17.69mm
SI-6 - Smaller than SI-5, Cup diameter 17.25mm
SI-6OPT - Smaller than the SI-5 but optimized, Cup diameter 17.25mm
SI-6R - SI-6 with a modern round rim, Cup diameter 17.25mm
SI-7 - Our most popular mouthpiece. Cup diameter close to a Bach 1-1/2, 16.86mm
SI-7OPT - Optimized version of the SI-7, Cup diameter 16.86
SI-7R - SI-7 with a modern round rim, Cup diameter 16.86
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